
Geometric deep learning framework for molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulation

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ViSNet: a scalable and accurate geometric deep learning potential for molecular dynamics simulation


ViSNet (shorted for “Vector-Scalar interactive graph neural Network”) is a scalable and accurate graph deep learning potential for molecular dynamics that significantly alleviate the dilemma between computational costs and sufficient utilization of geometric information.


Nov 2022


If you find this work useful, please kindly cite following paper:

  title={ViSNet: a scalable and accurate geometric deep learning potential for molecular dynamics simulation},
  author={Wang, Yusong and Li, Shaoning and He, Xinheng and Li, Mingyu and Wang, Zun and Zheng, Nanning and Shao, Bin and Wang, Tong and Liu, Tie-Yan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.16518},


Please contact Tong Wang (watong@microsoft.com) for technical support.


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