

Groovy DecvContainer with groovy 4.0 and jdk 11.

Based on the official groovy docker images "ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack"


Verify correctness

To show you're ready to code a sample script is executed after the container has started. You may remove the "postStartCommand" line in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json once you`re satisfied.

How to Use

Just clone this repo and use it to develop your groovy app.
With Remote Dev Plugin installed you should be asked to reopen the project inside a container. If not: Open the command menu using Shift+Cmd/Ctrl+P and type > Rebuild Container.
First execution always takes a bit longer due to the need to setup the containerized dev environment. Subsequent starts are much faster.

Verify execution of groovy scripts in dev container by running printDevContainer.json
There a bunch of neat scripts over here. A usefull collection of ways to read files in groovy can be found at


Inspired by and slightly edited.

Will format entire files upon save. Be careful with applying this to a shared code base.

Knowm Issues

  1. Currently no git support from inside the dev container