
Introduction to JavaScript challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Candy Box

The goal of this challenge is to create a game like this one.


All of your JavaScript code should go in js/game.js. It's mostly blank, have fun!

I have already given you an element with id "candy-counter". It should be used to show the candy count!


I have provided js/adapter.js to interface with the DOM. You should not have to modify it to complete this project (but if you have improvements I'd be interested to see them!). The adapter.js file defines these functions:

Name Description
GAME.addButton(id, text, handler) Adds a button to the page. id is a unique identifier for this button, text is the button text, and handler is the event handler for when the button is pressed.
GAME.disableButton(id) Disables the button with the id id
GAME.enableButton(id) Enables the button with the id id
GAME.addTextBox(id, text) Adds text to the page with unique id id and text text
GAME.hasItem(id) Returns true or false depending on whether the DOM has an element with that id or not
GAME.removeElement(id) Removes the element with id id
GAME.removeHandler(id, handler) Removes the provided handler from the element with the given id
GAME.addHandler(id, handler) Adds the provided handler from the element with the given id
GAME.changeHandler(id, oldHandler, newHandler) Removes the old handler and adds the new handler to the element with the given id
GAME.setText(id, text) Sets the text of the element with id id, regardless whether it's a button or text element


Have fun!

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Make your changes and commit them
  4. Push your changes to your fork
  5. Send us a pull request!