
CLI tools to manage a chess database of PGN games as well as to prepare data and train a supervised model with Rubix ML.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Chess Data

Build Status

CLI tools to manage a PHP Chess database of PGN games as well as to prepare data and train a supervised learning model with Rubix ML.

If you'd want to learn more please visit:

Set Up

Create an .env file:

$ cp .env.example .env

Update the environment variables in your .env file if required:


Command Line Interface (CLI)

Create the Chess Database

$ php cli/db-create.php -h
   db-create.php <OPTIONS>

   Creates the chess database with the games table.                                                                                                                                             

   --heuristics                                             Add heuristics for further data visualization.                                                                                      

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.

Creates the chess database:

$ php cli/db-create.php

The games table will look as described next:

mysql> use chess;
Database changed
mysql> describe games;
| Field    | Type               | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id       | mediumint unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| Event    | char(64)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Site     | char(64)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Date     | char(16)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| White    | char(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Black    | char(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Result   | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| WhiteElo | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| BlackElo | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ECO      | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| movetext | varchar(3072)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)


Alternatively, an optional heuristic picture can be added too for further data visualization with Heuristics Quest:

$ php cli/db-create.php --heuristics

In which case the games table will look as it is described next:

mysql> describe games;
| Field                | Type               | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id                   | mediumint unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| Event                | char(64)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Site                 | char(64)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Date                 | char(16)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| White                | char(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Black                | char(32)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| Result               | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| WhiteElo             | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| BlackElo             | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ECO                  | char(8)            | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| movetext             | varchar(3072)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| heuristic_picture    | json               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| heuristic_evaluation | json               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
13 rows in set (0.01 sec)


A so-called heuristic picture consists of a group of heuristic snapshots such as attack, center or material, among others. It is intended to capture the current state of a chess game at any given time, and can be plotted on a chart for further visual study.

Seed the games Table

$ php cli/db-seed.php -h
   db-seed.php <OPTIONS> <filepath>

   Seeds the chess database with the specified PGN games.                                                                                                                                       

   --heuristics                                             Add heuristics for further data visualization.                                                                                      

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <filepath>                                               PGN file, or folder containing the PGN files.

Seed the database with the PGN games (STR tag pairs and movetexts) found in data/players/Carlsen.pgn:

$ php cli/db-seed.php data/players/Carlsen.pgn

With the PGN games (STR tag pairs, movetexts and heuristic pictures too for further data visualization) found in data/players/Carlsen.pgn:

$ php cli/db-seed.php --heuristics data/players/Carlsen.pgn

With all PGN files (STR tag pairs and movetexts) found in the given folder:

$ php cli/db-seed.php data/players

With all PGN files (STR tag pairs, movetexts and heuristic pictures too for further data visualization) found in the given folder:

$ php cli/db-seed.php --heuristics data/players

PGN Syntax Checker

$ php cli/pgn-validate.php -h
   pgn-validate.php <OPTIONS> <filepath>

   PGN syntax validator.                                                                                                                                                                        

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <filepath>                                               PGN file to be validated.

Check the PGN syntax in the data/players/Carlsen.pgn file:

$ php cli/pgn-validate.php data/players/Carlsen.pgn
Event: 5th YM
Site: Lausanne SUI
Date: 2004.09.20
Round: 3.4
White: Lahno,Kateri
Black: Carlsen,M
Result: 1/2-1/2
WhiteElo: 2472
BlackElo: 2567

Event: 5th YM
Site: Lausanne SUI
Date: 2004.09.20
Round: 3.6
White: Lahno,Kateri
Black: Carlsen,M
Result: 0-1
WhiteElo: 2472
BlackElo: 2567

Event: 5th YM
Site: Lausanne SUI
Date: 2004.09.20
Round: 3.5
White: Carlsen,M
Black: Lahno,Kateri
Result: 1-0
WhiteElo: 2567
BlackElo: 2472

Event: 5th YM
Site: Lausanne SUI
Date: 2004.09.20
Round: 3.3
White: Carlsen,M
Black: Lahno,Kateri
Result: 1/2-1/2
WhiteElo: 2567
BlackElo: 2472

✗ 4 games did not pass the validation.
✓ 3426 games out of a total of 3430 are OK.

Data Preparation for Further Visualization

$ php cli/data-prepare/visualization/player.php -h
   player.php <OPTIONS> <n> <player>

   Creates a prepared JSON dataset of heuristics in the dataset/visualization folder.                                                                                                           

   --win                                                    The player wins.                                                                                                                    

   --lose                                                   The player loses.                                                                                                                   

   --draw                                                   Draw.                                                                                                                               

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <n>                                                      A random number of games to be queried.                                                                                             
   <player>                                                 The chess player's full name.

Creates the dataset/visualization/capablanca_jose_raul_win.json file:

$ php cli/data-prepare/visualization/player.php --win 25 "Capablanca Jose Raul"

For further information on how to visually study the supervised data please visit Heuristics Quest.

Data Preparation for Further AI Training

$ docker exec -it chess_data_php_fpm php cli/data-prepare/training/classification/black.php -h
   black.php <OPTIONS> <n>

   Creates a prepared CSV dataset in the dataset/training/classification folder.                                                                                         

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <n>                                                      A random number of games to be queried.

Creates the dataset/training/classification/black_100_1621867531.csv file:

$ php cli/data-prepare/training/classification/black.php 1000
$ php cli/data-prepare/training/regression/player.php -h
   player.php <OPTIONS> <n> <player>

   Creates a prepared CSV dataset in the dataset/training/regression folder.                                                                                                     

   --win                                                    The player wins.                                                                                                                    

   --lose                                                   The player loses.                                                                                                                   

   --draw                                                   Draw.                                                                                                                               

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <n>                                                      A random number of games to be queried.                                                                                             
   <player>                                                 The chess player's full name.

Creates the dataset/training/regression/capablanca_jose_raul_win.csv file:

$ php cli/data-prepare/training/regression/player.php --win 25 "Capablanca Jose Raul"

MLP Regressor Training

$ php cli/model-train.php -h
   model-train.php <OPTIONS> <name> <dataset>

   Trains an AI model.                                                                                                                                                                          

   -h, --help                                               Display this help screen and exit immediately.                                                                                      

   --no-colors                                              Do not use any colors in output. Useful when piping output to other tools or files.                                                 

   --loglevel <level>                                       Minimum level of messages to display. Default is info. Valid levels are: debug, info, notice, success, warning, error, critical,    
                                                            alert, emergency.                                                                                                                   

   <name>                                                   The AI model name.                                                                                                                  
   <dataset>                                                A prepared dataset in CSV format.

Train the a1.model with the capablanca_jose_raul_win.csv dataset previously created:

$ php cli/model-train.php a1 capablanca_jose_raul_win.csv
[2021-05-11 10:06:23] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: MLP Regressor (hidden layers: [0: Dense (neurons: 100, alpha: 0, bias: true, weight initializer: He, bias initializer: Constant (value: 0)), 1: Activation (activation fn: ReLU), 2: Dense (neurons: 100, alpha: 0, bias: true, weight initializer: He, bias initializer: Constant (value: 0)), 3: Activation (activation fn: ReLU), 4: Dense (neurons: 50, alpha: 0, bias: true, weight initializer: He, bias initializer: Constant (value: 0)), 5: Activation (activation fn: ReLU), 6: Dense (neurons: 50, alpha: 0, bias: true, weight initializer: He, bias initializer: Constant (value: 0)), 7: Activation (activation fn: ReLU)], batch size: 128, optimizer: RMS Prop (rate: 0.001, decay: 0.1), alpha: 0.001, epochs: 100, min change: 1.0E-5, window: 3, hold out: 0.1, cost fn: Least Squares, metric: R Squared) initialized
[2021-05-11 10:06:25] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 1 - R Squared: -21.977075242487, Least Squares: 3048.0327192976
[2021-05-11 10:06:27] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 2 - R Squared: -16.119157901837, Least Squares: 2677.4103144119
[2021-05-11 10:06:28] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 3 - R Squared: -5.5604829505942, Least Squares: 1611.2312651338
[2021-05-11 10:06:30] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 4 - R Squared: 0.40066067524523, Least Squares: 409.41878766798
[2021-05-11 10:06:32] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 5 - R Squared: 0.76720906407256, Least Squares: 38.288661774423
[2021-05-11 10:06:34] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 6 - R Squared: 0.77918417305545, Least Squares: 24.497300525509
[2021-05-11 10:06:35] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 7 - R Squared: 0.79450482628664, Least Squares: 23.065597920467
[2021-05-11 10:06:37] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 8 - R Squared: 0.81658117481614, Least Squares: 21.06679045279
[2021-05-11 10:06:39] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 9 - R Squared: 0.82433009302746, Least Squares: 18.652937147032
[2021-05-11 10:06:40] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 10 - R Squared: 0.86071592769812, Least Squares: 20.763986335691
[2021-05-11 10:06:42] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 11 - R Squared: 0.8614145286486, Least Squares: 17.474112631318
[2021-05-11 10:06:44] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 12 - R Squared: 0.87268987066944, Least Squares: 16.194675045903
[2021-05-11 10:06:46] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 13 - R Squared: 0.88274658820633, Least Squares: 13.848522329275
[2021-05-11 10:06:47] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 14 - R Squared: 0.87703058693158, Least Squares: 10.737224306881
[2021-05-11 10:06:49] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 15 - R Squared: 0.92573315528165, Least Squares: 12.846237860686
[2021-05-11 10:06:51] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 16 - R Squared: 0.90040774456324, Least Squares: 7.8936047979492
[2021-05-11 10:06:53] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 17 - R Squared: 0.94172413423487, Least Squares: 9.4060766448951
[2021-05-11 10:06:54] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 18 - R Squared: 0.95672478313976, Least Squares: 5.0895210838141
[2021-05-11 10:06:56] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 19 - R Squared: 0.96057051126074, Least Squares: 11.277841548068
[2021-05-11 10:06:58] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 20 - R Squared: 0.95876244220792, Least Squares: 4.1673627104464
[2021-05-11 10:06:59] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 21 - R Squared: 0.94029693117993, Least Squares: 8.9490641617517
[2021-05-11 10:07:01] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Epoch 22 - R Squared: 0.95416716971312, Least Squares: 4.6506877546537
[2021-05-11 10:07:01] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Network restored from snapshot at epoch 19
[2021-05-11 10:07:01] /usr/share/chess-data/cli/../model/a1.model.INFO: Training complete

This will create the model/a1.model file, which then can be trained in batches again with more prepared data.

Play with the AI

Play with the AI.

$ php cli/model-play.php a1.model
chess > d4
chess > 1.d4 d5
chess > Nc3
chess > 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 Nc6
chess > Nxd5
chess > 1.d4 d5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nxd5 Qd5
chess > quit

A Live Demo

The supervised learning process is all about using suitable heuristics such as king safety, attack, material or connectivity, among others. But how can we measure the efficiency of a given chess heuristic? This is where plotting data on nice charts comes to the rescue!

For further information please visit Heuristics Quest.


The GNU General Public License.


Would you help make this library better? Contributions are welcome.

  • Feel free to send a pull request
  • Drop an email at info@programarivm.com with the subject "Chess Data Contributions"
  • Leave me a comment on Twitter

Many thanks.