
A Cube World 1.0.0-1 mod to automatically reload .cub files live.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A Cube World 1.0.0-1 mod to automatically reload the .cub files live.

Installation and usage

  1. Download the release DLL from the releases page, or build yourself with the instructions below.
  2. Setup ChrisMiuchiz's mod loader.
  3. Place the DLL in the Mods folder and start the game with the launcher.
  4. Anytime you modify or override a .cub file in the sprites directory, it will be automatically reloaded.


  1. Follow the Visual Studio 2019 with LLVM/Clang setup instructions linked in the CWTCore readme.
  2. Clone this repo with git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/CWTesseract/LiveCubReload
  3. Open the folder in VS2019.
  4. Build with x64-Clang-Release.


This project uses the Entropia File System Watcher (efsw) library to detect changes.