
An introduction to Rust for Java Developers

Primary LanguageRust

Rust for Java Developers workshop

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An introduction to the Rust programming language for Java developers

Clone this repository then follow the instructions on the Wiki


Linux / MacOS

🦀 Install Rust with Rustup

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh


🦀 Download and run rustup-init.exe

👀 Take a look in ~/.cargo/bin. rustc, cargo and rustup, should have just been installed there, along with the rest of the Rust toolchain.


Setup an IDE of your choice. We strongly recommend the Rust plugin for Intellij as that’s what we’ll be coding along with but recognize it’s not to everyone’s tastes. If you’re still determined to use something else, there is a list here which has the usual suspects on it.

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