
An online community website used to share interesting call for papers with speakers.

Primary LanguageC#

CFP Exchange logo CFP.Exchange Build CfpExchange

An online community website used to share interesting call for papers with speakers.

This website is built using ASP.NET Core 3.1 and hosted on Azure: https://cfp.exchange.

Connectionstrings and other secrets

This project uses a number of secrets to connect to various APIs and databases. For this we use the ASP.NET Core user secrets.

To enter the connectionstring for your development database, use the following steps:

On Windows

Create a file in %APPDATA%\microsoft\UserSecrets\CfpExchangeSecrets\secrets.json and paste in the example below - then update it with your own secret values!

On Mac or Linux

Create a file in ~/.microsoft/usersecrets/CfpExchangeSecrets/secrets.json and paste in the example below - then update it with your own secret values!

User Secrets example

The file should have the following layout:

    "TwitterConsumerKey": "key",
    "TwitterConsumerSecret": "secret",
    "TwitterOAuthToken": "token",
    "TwitterOAuthTokenSecret": "tokensecret",
    "AdminEmailaddress": "you@yourdomain.com",
    "EmailSettings": {
        "ApiKey": "MailGunApiKey",
        "ApiUri": "https://api.mailgun.net/v3/yourdomain.com/messages",
        "From": "No-Reply CFP Exchange <no-reply@cfp.exchange>"
    "MapsApiKey": "key",
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "CfpExchangeDb":  "ConnectionStringToTheCfpExchangeDatabase" 
    "UrlPreviewApiKey": "key",
    "FeatureToggle": {
        "HostOwnImages": true
    "ServicebusConnectionString": "ConnectionStringToSendToTheServiceBusQueues"
  • MapsApiKey is an API key for the Azure Maps service
  • UrlPreviewApiKey is the Azure Cognitive Services URL Preview key (experimental) functionality for this is implemented but not currently used.

Azure Functions settings

In order to run the Azure Functions project, you need to create a file called local.settings.json in the root directory of this project.

The contents should look like the following:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
    "AzureWebJobsDashboard": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
    "ServicebusQueueConnectionString": "ConnectionStringToTheServiceBusQueue",
    "StorageAccountName": "ConnectionStringToTheBlobStorageAccount",
    "CfpExchangeDb": "ConnectionStringToTheCfpExchangeDatabase"

All of these settings can be found within the Azure Portal once your environment is deployed to Azure via the ARM template.