
Particle Maze is a randomnly generated Maze (using DFS) from particles. The Maze is solved using Tremaux, A star, iterative Deeping Search Algorithms between two node (start & end).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Maze Api

Maze Api can be used to Generate Maze and Solve maze Algorithm used to Generate Maze

  • Depth First Search
  • Randomized Kruskal

Algorithm used to Solve Maze

  • Tremaux
  • Iterative Deeping Search
  • A*

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To Generate Maze

Algorithms is used to generate Random Maze from Grid/hexagon algorithm are

  • kruskal
  • dfs

shapeName are

  • square
  • hexagon
var algo = new Algorithms(maxRow, maxCols, algorithm, shapeName)
var matrix = algo.run();

Matrix Generate from Above code is Consumed by Grid, Grid function is basic example to show how maze is created from Matrix.

Matrix is Array of 1 and 0 where 1 represent two neigbhour node doesn't share edges while 0 represent there is a edge shared between two node i.e 0 represent path between two node

var grid = Grid(matrix, maxRow, maxCols, ctx, shapeName, style);

To Solve Maze

The Matrix Generate Above Matrix is used by Solver to Solve Maze Algorithm are:

  • tremaux
  • iterativeSearch
  • astar
var sa = new Solver (maxRows, maxCol, algorithm, shapeType, matrix);
var start = getRandomInt(0, row);
var end = getRandomInt(0, row*col - 1);
var path = sa.run(start, end);


Karan B Pathak


Licensed under MIT. Enjoy