🕵️‍♂️ An OSINT python tool to scan social media accounts by username across social networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Social media scanning python tool

🕵️‍♂️ An OSINT tool to scan social media accounts by username across social networks


clone or download the project

git clone https://github.com/cyb3r-g0d/SPY.git


Short Form Long Form Description
-l --sitelist List of sites to scan (default=sites.txt)
-t --num-threads Number of threads to use for subbrute bruteforce
-o --output Save the results to text file
-h --help Show the help message


  • To list all the basic options and switches use -h switch:

python spy.py -h

  • To find a of specific username:

python spy.py alex

  • To find a of specific from custom sitelist:

python spy.py -l sitelixt.txt alex

List Of Sites (210 Sites In Total!)

View the list of sites here