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Rebuilding Miliano-eWallet Back-End Solution: A Strategic Approach

This document outlines a comprehensive strategy for rebuilding the Miliano-eWallet back-end solution. Our primary focus is to establish a robust, scalable, and secure foundation that aligns with evolving business needs and industry best practices.

1. In-depth Assessment and Planning

  • Evaluation: We will conduct a thorough analysis of the current system to identify areas for improvement and potential shortcomings.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We will collaborate closely with the business team to gain a deep understanding of their current and future requirements, as well as any regulatory compliance considerations.
  • Project Definition: We will establish clear project objectives, timelines, and budgetary constraints.
  • Team Assembly: A cross-functional team will be assembled, comprised of developers, designers, and domain experts to ensure a holistic approach.

2. Technology Stack Selection

  • Technology Selection Criteria: We will prioritize the selection of technologies that promote scalability, data security, and system performance.
  • Microservices Architecture: We will evaluate the feasibility of implementing a microservices architecture to facilitate modular development and independent deployment of functionalities.
  • Cloud Adoption: Cloud-based solutions will be explored to enhance elasticity, disaster recovery, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Language and Database Selection: Programming languages and databases will be chosen based on project requirements, team expertise, and existing infrastructure compatibility.

3. Agile Development Methodology

  • Iterative Development: We will adopt an iterative development approach, delivering features in short cycles and incorporating continuous feedback for improvements.
  • Daily Stand-up Meetings: Daily meetings will be conducted to ensure transparency, identify roadblocks, and promote collaborative problem-solving.
  • Sprint Planning and Retrospectives: Work will be divided into manageable sprints, followed by review sessions to assess progress and identify areas for optimization.
  • Prioritization: Feature prioritization will be based on business value and criticality to user needs.

4. Architectural Design and Implementation

  • Scalable Architecture: The architecture will be designed to accommodate future growth and increased user traffic.
  • Security Best Practices: Robust security measures will be implemented to safeguard sensitive user data and ensure system integrity.
  • API Integration: The system will be designed to integrate seamlessly with other applications using standardized API protocols.
  • Code Testing: A comprehensive testing strategy will be implemented to ensure code quality, functionality, and adherence to security best practices.

5. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Automation: Automated tools like Jenkins or GitHub Actions will be employed to streamline the build, test, and deployment processes, minimizing manual intervention and errors.
  • Deployment Strategy: A low-risk deployment strategy will be implemented to minimize downtime and rollback capabilities will be established in case of unforeseen issues.

6. Performance Optimization and Monitoring

  • Performance Benchmarking: The system will be rigorously tested to identify performance bottlenecks and implement optimizations for enhanced speed and responsiveness.
  • Scalability Testing: Load testing will be conducted to simulate real-world usage scenarios and ensure the system can handle peak traffic.
  • Proactive Monitoring: Proactive monitoring strategies will be employed to identify and address potential issues before they impact user experience.
  • Monitoring Tools: Tools like Prometheus and Grafana will be utilized to gain real-time insights into system health and performance metrics.

7. Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Meticulous documentation will be created to capture system design, functionalities, and operational procedures.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Knowledge-sharing sessions will be conducted to foster team collaboration and ensure a collective understanding of the system.
  • Continuous Learning: We will cultivate a culture of continuous learning by promoting code reviews, exploring innovative ideas, and fostering a collaborative problem-solving environment.

8. Pilot Deployment and User Feedback

  • Controlled Rollout: The new system will be piloted with a limited group of users to gather feedback and identify any usability issues.
  • User Feedback Integration: User feedback will be actively solicited and incorporated into the development process to refine the system before a wider rollout.

9. Full-Scale Deployment and Post-Launch Support

  • Phased Rollout: The system will be gradually rolled out to the entire user base in a controlled manner to mitigate risks.
  • User Training and Support: User training materials and support channels will be established to assist users with the transition to the new system.
  • Post-Launch Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance and support will be provided to address emerging issues, incorporate enhancements, and ensure the system's long-term stability and performance.

This comprehensive strategy, we are confident in delivering a robust, secure, and scalable back-end solution that empowers Miliano-eWallet to thrive in the ever-evolving digital payments landscape.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/CYIMANA-Faisal/miliano-e-wallet.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd miliano-e-wallet
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following environment variables, using the same variables found in .sample.env and replacing the placeholders with your actual values Ensure to replace your_database_host, your_database_port, your_database_name, your_postgres_username, and your_postgres_password with your PostgreSQL database connection details. You can take reference from the .sample.env file.

Install Dependencies

Install project dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm install

Running the Application

To run the application, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure your PostgreSQL database is running.

  2. Start the application:

    pnpm start
  3. The application should now be running. You can access it at http://localhost:3000/api/v1.

Stopping the Application

To stop the application, press Ctrl + C in the terminal where the application is running.