
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Full Group List Delete Guest Warning Team List

Delete Guest Warning Delete Guest Warning Empty List

Project   |    Technologies   |    Requirements   |    How to run the project   |   

📝 Project

This is the IgniteTeams project, a React Native application that facilitates event organizers in managing guest lists for various events. The application allows organizers to add new guests, check-in attendees, and remove guests from the list.


  • Add new guests to the list.
  • Prevents duplicate guest entries.
  • Remove guests from the list with a confirmation prompt.
  • Dynamic display of the guest list using a FlatList.
  • Informative message when the guest list is empty.

This project was developed during the React Native bootcamp Ignite, run by @Rocketseat.

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed using the following technologies:

📋 Requirements

Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:

⌨️ How to run the project

# Clone this project
$ git clone git@github.com:Ca-byte/igniteteams.git

# Access the project directory
$ cd igniteteams

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the project
$ npm start

# Once started, follow Expo CLI instructions to launch the app on a simulator/emulator or scan the QR code with the Expo Go app on your physical device.

Developed with 💜 by Caroline Vieira