This adds the original Civ V leader icons to the diplomacy screen
- Caballero-ArepaArepandia
- Cruzforlife77
- daxime
- EmperorPinguin
- Filip-SutkowyPoznań
- GoldensFire
- GooseInTrouble
- Greater-Bismarck
- Guy2588
- Hohloeb1488
- Huymnsel
- kingsj0405CIPLAB at YSU
- Kuldebar
- metablasterEuropean Union
- MichaelRouly
- Monsieur14
- NutzzzOrange County, CA, U.S.A.
- OmberMan
- pigsmh
- R4Z0R22
- RealBamboolordRemote Location somewhere in the depths of the jungle that somehow has internet access
- ribezzz
- RobLoach@kalamuna
- SenkuXPMy lab
- sffdhg
- SkekdogDeep Space
- teohhanhuiKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- tihonrouge
- Tyretes
- Vitaly220712
- vysehub
- yairm210Kerem Re'im, Israel
- Yehoward