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Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hi Fellow Devs 👋

I'm Danny Koppenhagen. A Web Developer, Consultant, Author and and Open Source Enthusiast from Berlin (Germany).

Danny Koppenhagens Github Stats

Angular Buch 📕

Together with @fmalcher @JohannesHoppe I authored a german book about Angular which is currently available in the third edition:

Angular - Grundlagen, fortgeschrittene Themen und Best Practices (3. Auflage)

Current Blog Posts 📝

🇺🇸 Speed up your Angular schematics development with useful helper functions

Angular CLI schematics offer us a way to add, scaffold and update app-related files and modules. In this article I will guide you through some common but currently undocumented helper functions you can use to achieve your goal.

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🇺🇸 My Development Setup

In this article I will present you what tools I am using during my day-to-day development. Also I will show you a list of extensions and their purpose that help me (and probably you too!) to be more productive.

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🇩🇪 Angular 10 ist da! Die wichtigsten Neuerungen im Überblick

Nach nur vier Monaten Entwicklungszeit wurde am 24. Juni 2020 die neue Major-Version Angular 10.0 veröffentlicht! Wir werden Ihnen in diesem Artikel die wichtigsten Neuerungen vorstellen.

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🇺🇸 Dig deeper into static site generation with Scully and use the most out of it

In this article about Scully, I will introduce some more advanced features. You will learn how you can setup a custom Markdown module and how you can use AsciiDoc with Scully. I will guide you through the process of how to handle protected routes using a custom route plugin.

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🇩🇪 Angular 9 ist da! Die wichtigsten Neuerungen im Überblick

Am 6. Februar 2020 wurde bei Google in Kalifornien der "rote Knopf" gedrückt: Das lang erwartete neue Release ist da – die neue Major-Version Angular 9.0! Wir werden Ihnen in diesem Artikel die wichtigsten Neuerungen vorstellen.

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All Blog Posts

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