
Using npm as a build tool instead of Grunt or Gulp.


  • Automatically lint your scripts.
  • Automatically minify your HTML, CSS and JS using htmlminifier, css-clean and uglifyJS2.
  • CSS Autoprefixing using PostCSS.
  • Update the references in your html from orginals to an optionally versioned, optimized file using useref-file.
  • Awesome image optimization using imagemin (You can use subfolder).
  • Automatically wire-up dependencies installed with Bower using wiredep.
  • Automatically create your JavaScript documentation using jsDoc.
  • Automatically create a hashmark in your new JavaScript file and CSS file for avoid cache problems. (Problems with useref-file).

Getting started

  • Install dependencies: npm install.
  • Configure your variables in package.json.
  • Run npm run build to build your production code or run npm run build:watch to build your production code with watch feature.

Configuration in package.json

  • "main": Index file of your app (Default src/).
  • "config": Configuration.
  • "src": Top level folder of your source code.
  • "srcJS": List of your JavaScript source code to minify you can use glob (Default src/***/.js).
  • "srcCSS": List of your CSS source code to minify you can use glob (Default src/***/.css).
  • "srcImages": Folder of your images (Default src/assets/images/).
  • "distJS: Production folder of your JavaScript (Default dist/js/).
  • "distCSS: Production folder of your CSS (Default /dist/css/).
  • "distImages: Productio folder of your images (Default dist/images/).
  • "distDoc: Production folder of your JavaScript documentation (Default dist/doc/).


  • npm run build: Build your production app.
  • npm run build:watch: Build your production app and watcher any change in your code.
  • npm run:build:doc: Build your jsDoc documentation.
  • npm run build:images: Minify your images.
  • npm run clean: Clean your production app.
  • npm run clean:css: Clean your CSS folder in your production app.
  • npm run clean:js: Clean your JS folder in your production app.
  • npm run clean:images: Clean your images folder in your production app.
  • npm run lint:js: Run Lint in your source JS code.

More info

How to use npm as a build tool


  • hashmark integration.
  • autocreation of sprites.
  • liveReload integration.
  • Preprocessador CSS (e.g. using Less/SASS)
  • AngularJS dependencies inyection.