
A small app to set a custom discord activity

Primary LanguageC#


Basically lets you do this


Uses https://github.com/Lachee/discord-rpc-csharp.

How to use

Windows (with GUI)

Install the latest release from the releases tab, unzip it and double click "CustomRPC.exe".

To get an application id:


  • Set the time to the time you want to display.
  • Click "Update".

Linux and MacOS (command line)

  • Clone the repository.
  • Follow the steps given above to get an application id.
  • Publish the CustomRPCCL project to wherever you feel convenient.
  • On a terminal, run the binary with the set command with the application id to set the default one.
  • Run the binary with the following arguments: [days] <hours> <minutes> <seconds> (arguments wrapped in <> are optional.)