This repository is dedicated to the Database Management course, where we will work with PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Database Management - PostgreSQL and MongoDB

This repository is dedicated to the Database Management course, where we will work with PostgreSQL and MongoDB. The repository structure is divided into three folders, one for each trimester of the course, to facilitate the management and access to the corresponding resources.

Repository Contents

  • Introduction to PostgreSQL:
    • Examples of database creation.
    • Basic SQL queries.
  • Database Management with Administrative Tools:

    • Usage of database management tools.
    • User and permissions administration.
  • Advanced SQL Queries:

    • Examples of complex queries.
    • Usage of functions and stored procedures.
  • Practical Projects:

    • Advanced SQL projects.
    • Implementation of functions and procedures.
  • Relational Database Design:

    • Normalization and efficient design.
    • Theory on primary and foreign keys.
  • Introduction to MongoDB:

  • Queries and operations in MongoDB.

Common Technologies Used

  • SQL
  • PLpgSQL


For any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch:

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