A simple Java library based on https://github.com/jgarff/rpi_ws281x .
The build.sh
script checks out the code from https://github.com/jgarff/rpi_ws281x ,
looks for some Java header files on the raspberry, creates the JNI header file, cherry picks the c and header files from rpi_ws281x and mixes them all together.
After compiling and linking a simple JAR gets packed.
Tested with Raspbian stretch lite on a Raspberry PI 3.
Use the build-on-remote-pi.sh
script to build the library from your development pc on your Raspberry PI.
The JAR and the shared library gets copied on your dev PC after a successfully build.
Here is a simple Kotlin example drawing two pixel using the wrapper.
10, // gpioPin
256, //ledCount
false, // invert
255 // brightness
WS2811.setPixel(0, Color.GREEN)
val r = 64
val g = 128
val b = 192
WS2811.setPixel(1, Color(r, g, b))
The wrapper aims to be just a wrapper and does not include any kind of convenience like line drawing or font rendering.