This project was started from scratch, following this tutorial:
React was then implemented using Webpack & Babel:
Redux was also implemented following this tutorial:
Also, this article has a good explanation of the Redux Store Architechture. See the image below: Credit:
This article has another set of good tutorials on React, Redux, with follow up tutorials on implementing Typescript, Webpack, React Router, Firebase tutorial and GraphQL. Highly recommended.
To learn TypeScript, I used this video tutorial series, taking notes and then tried implementing what I had learned in the previous two tutorials and re-writing the code in TypeScript:
These are also two good tutorials that I found helpful with TypeScript:
The documentation on SCSS is quite good (much better than typescript!) - so I've been referring to it when needed: (
If you are interested, you can read the notes that I took on these, and on further subjects, by viewing the study.notes.txt file in the repository.
Note: run npx mrm lint-staged
to start using lint-staged.
- Webpack, from scratch (Webpack is a static module bundler for JavaScipt applications)
- Babel (A toolchain that compiles EMCAScript2015+ to backwards compatible versions of JavaScript). It can also compile .jsx to .js
- Typescript (Type checker, which compiles to JavaScript)
- Scss (CSS preprocessor, all .scss files compile to one style.css file)
- React + dev tools
- Redux + dev tools
- Create backend API / web service that reads, writes, and deletes records from an SQL database.
- Finish React Tutorials
- Look into integrating Jest
- Implement Linting (ESLint & Prettier)
- Profile.Backend folder also contains a VS 2017 ASP.NET project, which (will eventually) utilize XUnit Testing, Swagger, API implementation, and SQL Database integration.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
If tests had been implemented, this would work. However this currently just echo's an error message telling the user that no tests exist yet.
Builds the app for production to the dist
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The solution compiles .scss files into one style.css file, compiles all typescript into one app.bundle.js file - minified and with source maps. It also adds a single index.html file to the dist folder and adds a link to the style.css file in it.
Much like npm run build, but it builds the app with unminified code.
Runs tsc --noEmit, which checks the code, but doesn't produce output.
Please check the scripts section of the package.json file for more scripts that can be run.