
Collaboration built at HackPSU - Fall 2019

Primary LanguagePython


TaxTeens is a chatbot for the GroupMe messaging service. When asked a tax-related question, it will respond with relevent information and links geared towards young workers who may be doing their taxes for the first time.

For edutainment purposes only :-)


Prerequisites: You will need GroupMe/Microsoft, Github and Heroku (free) accounts.

Log in to GroupMe and create a new group for the bot to live in. Navigate to https://dev.groupme.com/bots and click "create bot". Select your group from the dropdownn, name the bot, and provide an avatar url if desired. Log in to Heroku. In the dashboard, click new > create new app. After naming the app, go back to the GroupMe bot creation page and enter the callback url like this: https://[name of heroku app].herokuapp.com Hit submit. Back in Heroku, click on the deploy tab and choose GitHub as the deployment method. Connect to a fork of this repository. On the settings tab, click Reveal Config Vars. Enter GROUPME_BOT_ID as the key, and your actual bot id as the value. (Found at https://dev.groupme.com/bots). In Heroku under the deploy tab, make sure Master is selected and click Deploy Branch. This step should be repeated if you make any code changes.


Type your message in the relevent GroupMe and the bot will respond to certain terms.

Some terms:

taxable interest
unemployment compensation
joint return
federal income tax withheld
earned income tax credit (EITC)
routing number
preparer tax identification number (PTIN)
gross income
adjusted income
when to file


To be determined.