
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Rule Set

    • Group of Abilities
      • Extendable or not extendable
    • Required abilities (must be filled)
    • Visible abilities (abilities visibles to everyone)
    • Hidden abilities (abilities hidden from everyone exept DM)
    • Computed abilities (provided calculation, can always be manually modified using bonus/malus)
    • "Spendable" abilities (used for action "costing" something, will be presented when creating an action)
    • Types or rolls (and their modifiers)
    • Base value for abilities + modifiers
    • Can register the rolls used to create characters (could be provided by the DM: for creation, 6x D20 rolled, with a custom explanation).
      • Could be proposed in the ruleset
      • Ruleset could have "variations" you can choose from for different steps (Char creations mode, char start at level X, char has specifics attributes, etc...)
      • Ruleset can have references: books or websites urls
    • Can be made a public ruleset (superadmin only)
    • Layout
      • Classic layout available
      • We can make custom layout for common ruleset (character sheet presentation for example)
    • Classic Items characs
    • Weapons characs
  • Player sheets (& NPCs)

    • Can be modified by DM
    • Can be modified by the player
    • Is PC / NPC reserved feature
    • All modification registered and easily searchable (by DM or player)
    • Outside appearance description
    • Token system (Poker chips of Deadlands)
    • Spells token system (Spell slots)
    • Cost (mana cost, hp costs)
    • Reuse characters through different games of the same ruleset
  • Setups

    • Taggable (ruleset / environnement (forest, city...) / epoch (futuristic)
    • Can have images
    • Can have ambient sounds/music
    • Can have maps (= image with placeable points)
    • Player can split and be in different setups
    • Can have linked NPC for easier retrieval
    • Can have clues
    • Prepared text quickly usable (Parcels)
  • Maps

    • Optionnal (but cool)
    • Managed by the DM to provide information
    • Image were you can locate different pointers
    • Use leaflet
  • Campaign (DM reserved)

    • Group of Scenarios (of the same rule set)
    • Rule set
    • Storyboard
    • Description, min/max of players, required level
  • Combat

    • Order / Initiatives rolls
  • Scenario (DM reserved)

    • Rule set
    • Storyboard
    • Description, min/max of players, required level
    • Setups
    • NPCs
    • Clues
    • Prepared text quickly usable (Parcels)
  • Clues

    • Can be an image or text
    • Can be created before or on the fly
    • Can be linked to a setup or scenario
  • Helps

    • NPC for different rulesets
      • NPC Library provided by other users
        • An NPC created from a model is tagged as a "variation" and cannot be customized further
      • NPC can be "public" to appear in the library (default)
    • Setups for different rulesets (or simply tagged but can be used in any ruleset)
    • ambient sounds & background & ?css?
  • Ratings

    • Rating a player (with comments always, from DM or player from her game)
    • Rating a DM (with comments always, from player from her game)
    • Automatic ratings (plays every X time, regularity in playing, words typed per session/ per game)
    • Rating + Comments + "Used in" + "forks" of shared NPC models
    • Rating + Comments + "Used in" + "forks" of shared setups
  • Game

    • Choose Language
      • FR & EN for now
    • Choose base ruleset & customize it
    • Choose number of players
    • Game state:
      • Building
      • waiting for players to start
      • in session with players and closed
      • in session with players but still open
      • Paused
      • Finished
    • Game types
      • Asynchronous (Turn based, DM launches turns where player have to declare actions. Depends on ruleset?)
      • Live (same as asynchronous, but players must be connected to the game together to run it, skype+chat to help for this mode)
    • Session
      • States
        • Open: everyone can act (DM & Players), the DM can choose to ignore some action (mark them as such)
        • Waiting for DM: DM turns to act
        • Waiting for Player X: Player X turn to act
        • Waiting for Player: waiting for any player to act
        • Paused
      • States can be automated (for example during a combat session)
  • Action

    • Player describe action and rolls required (could be no rolls)
    • DM can add a roll, and/or modifiers to the roll and then declares if it is a success, miss or something else
    • DM makes small description of the result of the action
  • Companion app

    • Notifications when you must play / answer players action
    • Easily type action description and choose dices to roll / modification to apply
  • Tools & Others

    • Dice Throws (D666, D100, D20, Pair/Impair...)
    • Translatable
    • Chat
    • Skype integration
    • All roll registered, can be hidden from players (by default for DM)
  • Structure

    • FeatureModel

      • N FeatureRoll
      • Properties
        • templateUrl
    • Ruleset

      • N SheetModels
        • N Groups
          • N Features
            • 1 FeatureModel
            • Properties
              • Name
        • Properties
          • templateUrl
          • N CustomAddableFeature
            • 1 FeatureModel
            • (?) N FeatureExamples
    • Game

      • 1 Ruleset
      • 0-1 Campaign (group of scenarios)
      • 0-N Scenario (library of sheets & clues, duplicated on game creation)
      • N Events
      • N Sheets
        • 1 SheetModel
          • N FeatureValue
            • 1 Feature
        • Properties
          • Locked groups (prevent edition of certain parts, admin only)
          • Player access (admin have access to all sheets)
      • N Players
        • 1 Account
        • N accesses to Sheets, Clues
        • Properties
          • Role (player or admin, can have N of both)
      • N Addendums/Clues (Letters, images, maps)
      • Properties
        • Status
        • Can add admin
        • Can add
    • Accounts