
Collection of VRChat Udon scripts that bring basic coroutine functionality to Udon

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Udon Coroutines

Udon Coroutines implements a basic Coroutine system with many basic Coroutines and utility scripts.

Coroutine List



Udon Coroutines bundles coroutine scripts affecting to the following Transform properties:

  • AnimatePositionCoroutine - transform.position
  • AnimateEulerAnglesCoroutine - transform.eulerAngles


Udon Coroutines bundles coroutine scripts animating Unity structures for general non-Transform use cases.

  • AnimateVector3Coroutine



Executes a list of inner Udon Coroutines at the same time, completing when all inner coroutines are complete.


Executes a list of inner Udon Coroutines at the same time, completing as soon as the first inner coroutine is complete.


A simple Udon Coroutine which automatically completes after a set amount of time.


Executes a list of inner Udon Coroutines sequentially (one after another), completing when all inner coroutines are complete.

Custom Coroutines

Udon Coroutines allows you to script custom Coroutines and execute them with other Udon Coroutine scripts.

Custom Udon Coroutines should be written with UdonSharp. The Udon graphical scripting interface is untested.

To create a custom Udon Coroutine, inherit BaseUdonCoroutine, then override some methods.

// BaseUdonCoroutine inherits UdonSharpBehaviour
public class ExampleUdonCoroutine : BaseUdonCoroutine
    // Executes when a script calls StartUdonCoroutine().
    // Should be used to initialize your coroutine.
    protected override void Setup() { }
    // Executes every frame, returning 'true' when this Udon Coroutine is considered complete.
    // Due to the slow speed of Udon, Tick() should be as fast as possible.
    protected override bool Tick();
    // Internal callback when this Udon Coroutine is complete.
    // Should be used to clean up resources used during the execution of this coroutine.
    protected override void OnCompletion() { }

Animated Coroutines

Animated Udon Coroutines have another base class, AnimatedUdonCoroutine, which simplifies the process of creating any Udon Coroutine responsible for scripted animation.

If you are interested in writing a custom Animated Udon Coroutine, inherit AnimatedUdonCoroutine instead.

// AnimatedUdonCoroutine inherits BaseUdonCoroutine.
public class ExampleAnimatedUdonCoroutine : AnimatedUdonCoroutine
    // Setup() remains the same from BaseUdonCoroutine.
    protected override void Setup() { }
    // Executes every frame, where "progress" is normalized from 0-1.
    // Use this method to update your animation coroutine.
    protected override void UpdateAnimation(float progress) { }
    // OnCompletion() remains the same from BaseUdonCoroutine.
    protected override void OnCompletion() { }


  • Udon Coroutines for Unity Animations
  • Udon Coroutines for scripted Animations / Tweens
  • Publish to VCC