
Login Page written in HTML, CSS, JS

#First Thing First

  1. Create a index.html file
  2. Create a styleLogin.css file
  3. By using Bootstrap library you'll be able to create a button

#What are we using in this Login Page? Components are:

  • Login User info Card

  • Input box : Email

  • Input box : Password

  • Input box : Create a New User => First Name , Last Name, Password, Crate Button

  • Read and Agree Terms in a link

  • Login Button

  • Background with Real Estate photo as a transparrent

  • Ideas: When user tries to hover on a button it might change a style. ( Responsive UI )

  • Ideas: Background might be a shortcut of a Youtube Video in a fullscreen and displays at the background.

    Ekran Resmi 2023-10-24 16 38 35

Here's a Example of Responsive UI Web Page Login Design