
AbbSearcher is a simple Python application built using the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) to search and visualize information from an Excel file containing abbreviations and their descriptions.


  • Search Abbreviations : Enter an abbreviation in the search box to retrieve its corresponding descriptions.
  • Detailed Description : View a detailed description of an abbreviation in a separate window.
  • Statistics & Plot : Generate and display statistics on the distribution of abbreviations across different starting letters along with a corresponding plot.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
  git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
  cd AbbSearcher
  1. Install the required dependencies:
  pip install openpyxl matplotlib


Run the application by executing the following command in your terminal:


The GUI will open, allowing you to search for abbreviations, view detailed descriptions, and generate statistics.


  1. Search Tab :
  • Enter an abbreviation in the search box.
  • Press "Search" to retrieve corresponding descriptions.
  • The detailed description will automatically appear in a new window.
  1. Statistics & Plot Tab :
  • Click on "Show Statistics & Plot" to view a statistical analysis and plot of the abbreviations.
  1. Autocomplete :
  • The search box supports autocomplete for easier abbreviation input.
  1. Warning :
  • If no data is available for the plot, a warning message will be displayed.

Excel File Format

The application assumes that the Excel file (AbbList.xlsx) contains sheets for each alphabet letter, with three columns: Abbreviation, Description, and Detailed Description.