
Simple cars.com API for certain tasks

Primary LanguagePython


This project fethces information from cars.com and provides it through an API.

Project consisted of three main stages:

  1. Writing web scrapper for fething information from cars.com
  2. Saving fetched data into mySQL
  3. Provide API

First two is done by scripts in api/utils, while providing API utilizes Django Rest Framework.


To initialize dataset, first run python manage.py shell in root directory. Then in the shell run following lines,

from api.utils.write_database import main

After initialization you should do the following to run server,

python manage.py runserver

Now you can access API with,


or make some filtering,


which results in following,

        "brand": "BMW",
        "price": "17400",
        "year": "2012",
        "model": "750 i xDrive",
        "ext_color": "black",
        "int_color": "black",
        "transmission": "automatic",
        "contact": "(404) 935-6893"

Note: Don't forget to edit mySQL configurations in settings.py. They are currently configured for my local computer.


  1. Write django custom command to more elegant initilazation. Current one requires opening django shell.
  2. Configure Docker.