99 Lines of Code In The File - Part 2



  • This lab consists of two parts
  • In this second iteration you will be transforming part 1 of the lab
  • You should copy your files from part 1 and paste them along with this README file into a new folder linked to a new github repository

New Objectives

  • Put a button in the HTML that says Sing!
    • Stepping Stone: When you click the button, all the console.log statements from yesterday should happen. They SHOULD NOT happen before the button is clicked.
  • When you have the button setup and working correctly as described, then:
    • Delete the div with class friend and the headings and paragraphs it contains from your html file
    • Go to your code where you are "singing the song" and accomplish the following using DOM:
      • For every one of your friends, create a div with class friend
      • Put an h3 containing your friend's name in the div
      • Then, instead of using console.log to put the song lyrics in the console, create a paragraph for each song lyric line and put that paragraph in the friend div.
  • To Recap:
    • When you have made these modifications, the page should start out just showing a button labeled "Sing!"
    • Nothing will be logged to the console
    • Clicking the button will cause 5 div elements with class name friend to be added to the page, one for each of your friends
    • Each div contains a friend's name as an h3 and 99 paragraphs, each one representing a lyric line that you previously were logging to the console in part 1 of this lab.


  • You will be using DOM functions to complete this portion of the lab
  • Remember that elements can be added to other elements
    • document.body.appendChild(someElement);
    • someOtherElement.appendChild(anotherElement);