
A Star Wars Profile page

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Thank you for taking the time to review my work! This is the first Next.js app that I have made or worked on; I learned Next.js on November 7, 2021. Other technologies used include bootstrap, axios, redux, the redux toolkit, and jest. I had not used redux in quite some time, so I thought this was a good opportunity to brush up on it, as well.


The application is a simple SPA, as requested, and has instructions on the home page providing step-by-step guidance on how to use the application.

The search bar in the upper right corner takes the name or partial name of a character and returns search results matching that submission.

The client-side application submits a get request with a query param to the application's server, which then submits a request to SWAPI with the same query param and returns the results to the client.

The results are displayed in a table below the instructions, which has a column holding a button for each character that allows the user to view that character's details.

Upon viewing a character's details, the user is presented with a profile page comprised of four distinct sections, each containing some details about the character that may be of interest to the user. Each section retrieves that information independently of the others by submitting a request to the associated API endpoint on the server, which then gets the requested data from SWAPI and returns the results.

If the user searches for another character at any time, the user is redirected to the home page and the search is performed.

Responsiveness is implemented throughout the application using bootstrap 5.

API Endpoints

  1. /api/characters
  2. /api/characters/[id]
  3. /api/films
  4. /api/films/[id]
  5. /api/species
  6. /api/species/[id]
  7. /api/starships
  8. /api/starships/[id]