toolkit include two class: utils & filetype functions (only go for now)
any good ideal or useful PR are welcome!!! ❤️
toolkit includes:
- file
- vim
- string
- table
- log
- misc
- go
- waiting for other filetype
- lazy
tag = "v0.1.1",
ft = ["go","lua"],
- Packer
tag = "v0.1.1",
- vim-plug
Plug "CaiJinKen/toolkit.nvim"
go dependencies can be install automatically or install by manual.
- auto install(default)
go = {
auto_install = true
- manual install
go install
go install
go install
command | desc | detail |
:GenSwag | go-swag doc generator | above the coursor line |
:FillStruct | fill all fields for empty object | under the coursor line |
:JsonToGo | generate go struct from json content | replace selection |
:YamlToGo | generate go struct from yaml content | replace selection |
:AddTags | add tags to struct fields | current line or selected area |
:DelTags | remove tags from struct fields | current line or selected area |
:ClearTags | clear all tags from struct fields | current line or selected area |
:AddTagOpts | add options to tags | current line or selected area |
:DelTagOpts | remove options from tags | current line or selected area |
:ClearTags | clear options from tags | current line or selected area |
generate go-swag api doc for swagger
1. package handler
3. func AddUser(ctx *gin.Context){
4. // do what you want
5. //......
6. }
set coursor to line 2 then exec :GenSwag
, go-swag doc will be added, then you
can change template by use w
package handler
// FuncName FuncDesc
// @Summary Summary
// @Description Desc
// @Tags Tags
// @Accept x-www-form-urlencoded
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param 1Param header string true "1Pram"
// @Param 2Param path integer true "2Pram"
// @Param 3Param query number true "3Pram"
// @Param 4Param query bool true "4Pram"
// @Param Form formData integer true "1Pram"
// @Param Body body Struct true "2Pram"
// @Success 200 {object} Object "success"
// @Router Path [GET]
func AddUser(ctx *gin.Context){
// do what you want
// ...
fill empty struct variable, including global/local/internal func
if you use gopls, you can use fillstruct function of gopls by set
staticcheck = true
local variable:
package model
import "fmt"
type User struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
Age uint
Addrs []string
func something() {
u := User{}
set coursor to line with u := User{}
, then exec :FillStruct
func something() {
u := User{FirstName: "", LastName: "", Age: 0, Addrs: []string{}}
global variable
package model
var u = User{}
move coursor to the line with var u = User{}
, and exec :FillStruct
package model
var u = User{FirstName: "", LastName: "", Age: 0, Addrs: []string{}}
internal func
1. func something()func(){
2. return func(){
3. u := User{}
4. // ...
5. }
6. }
move coursor to line 3 and exec :FillStruct
func something()func(){
return func(){
u := User{FirstName: "", LastName: "", Age: 0, Addrs: []string{}}
// ...
convert json to golang struct assume you have file named user.go and contains json text and(or) other code
// some go code above
// other go code below
press v
to select hole json text, then exec :JsonToGo
// some go code above
type User struct {
FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name"`
Age uint `json:"age"`
Addrs []string `json:"addrs"`
// other go code below
same as:JsonToGo
but yaml style -
add tags to struct single line or selected fields
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint
5. Addrs []string
6. }
set coursor to line 4 and exec :AddTags json,yaml,uri
, you can set what tags
you want, comma split
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `json:"age" yaml:"age" uri:"age"`
5. Addrs []string
6. }
you can select fields you want to add tags by press v
+ j
or k
, or all
fields with vi{
, then exec the command. eg select lines 4 and 5
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `json:"age" yaml:"age" uri:"age"`
5. Addrs []string `json:"addrs" yaml:"addrs" uri:"addrs"`
6. }
delete spec tags line to 4, then exec:DelTags json,uri
. selection supported also
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `yaml:"age"`
5. Addrs []string `json:"addrs" yaml:"addrs" uri:"addrs"`
6. }
clear all tags & options in current line or selection. with no tags type in. eg line to 5 and exec command
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `yaml:"age"`
5. Addrs []string
6. }
add options to tags. eg line to 4 and exec:AddTagOpts yaml=omitempty,yaml=aaa,yaml=bbb
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `yaml:"age,omitempty,aaa,bbb"`
5. Addrs []string
6. }
remove options. eg line to 4 and exec:DelTagOpts yaml=aaa,yaml=bbb
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `yaml:"age,omitempty"`
5. Addrs []string
6. }
clear all options. eg line to 4 and exec:ClearTagOpts
1. type User struct {
2. FirstName string
3. LastName string
4. Age uint `yaml:"age"`
5. Addrs []string
6. }
toolkit does not define any keymaps. If you want use keymaps instead of command,
you can define your keymaps eg: map <leader>at
to :AddTags json,yaml
- vimscript config
" normal mode keymap
nnoremap <leader>at :AddTags json,yaml<cr>
" select mode keymap
xnoremap <leader>at :AddTags json,yaml<cr>
- lua config
-- normal & select mode keymap
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap({'n','x'}, '<leader>at', ':AddTags json,yaml<CR>', {noremap = true})
If you just want fillstruct or gojson, you can use:
default configuration:
go = {
-- go filetype commands will not set if value is false
enable = true,
-- whether install programs
auto_install = true,
enable_cmds = {
tags_transform = "snakecase", -- options: [snakecase, camelcase, lispcase, pascalcase, titlecase, keep]