Conway´s Game of Life

A implematation of Conway´s game of life with flutter and Atomic State

Getting Started

Conway's Game of Life is a classic cellular automaton devised by mathematician John Conway. It consists of a grid of cells that can be alive (on) or dead (off). The cells evolve in discrete time steps based on simple rules: a live cell with 2 or 3 live neighbors survives, while a dead cell with exactly 3 live neighbors becomes alive. The game's evolution creates intricate and often unpredictable patterns. It has been a subject of fascination in the field of computer science and mathematics for its emergent complexity.

Link to Wikipedia (English)

I used the Atomic State proposal for state management and reactivity in Flutter to execute this implementation of Conway's Game of Life in a simple and effective way.

🔩 How to run

Clone this repository

git cloone

Download the project dependencies

flutter pub get

Run the application.

flutter run