
Local network single page app for creating automatic comercial proposals

Primary LanguageJavaScript

КП-шник Kickidler

Приложение для оформления кормеческих предложений, система создана для автоматизирования и нормализирования оформления кп.

Чтобы запустит приложение:

1. git clone https://github.com/CaioF/kickidler-app.git

Clones the repo into a new folder.

2. cd kickidler-app

Change your terminal directory into the kickidler-app folder.

3. npm install

Installs all the required dependencies

  • Warning! the app is configured to work with nodejs 10.

4. Поменяйте IP в файлах внутри папки компонентов

App is configured to work on a local host via the local IPv4 adress. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Get your IPv4 via ipconfig (on Windows) or ip addr show (on Linux).
  • Change the IPs on the files inside the /components folder.

5. Добавляйте логин и пароль к server.js

You need to add the login and password in order to gain acess to the remote mongodb database.
Get the user and password from https://trello.com/b/V9HAno5H/кп-шник and put them at line 16 const uri = "mongodb+srv://user:password@... in the server.js file

6. npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

7. node server.js

Starts the app.

8. Open your browser and type in: http://your.ipv4.adress:8008

Opens the app.

BAT Executable for lazy managers:

@echo on
taskkill /IM "node.exe" /F
cd C:\path\to\kickidler-app
start cmd /k node server.js
ping your.ipv4.adress
start "" http://your.ipv4.adress:8008