
Primary LanguageSwift


Beavering your dock. Built on Swift while at the Apple Developer Academy. Works by sending a shell command using the "swift-commands" package. CBL Documentation -> https://almondine-blob-12f.notion.site/Kastor-a-dock-customization-tool-8dc00833bad44049a437001fcbfd628a

Run Locally

Using brew, tap into the repo and install it

  brew tap CaioFaSoares/kastor
  brew install kastor

Or, if you want, clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/CaioFaSoares/kastor.git

Go to the project directory

  cd kastor

Install dependencies

  swift build kastor

Run it!

  swift run kastor --help


The following command will add two small spaces to the dock. These can be moved to wherever you like.

swift run kastor ss -i 2

The following command will lock the resizing feature of the dock. Pretty useful

swift run kastor ls -b true


~ swift run kastor help

type     | function       | value    | description
ss       | addSmallSpace  | integer  | Adds a small space to the dock
bs       | addBigSpace    | integer  | Adds a thicc space to the dock
as       | addStack       | integer  | Adds a stack to the right of the dock
ds       | dockSize       | integer  | Resize the dock to the inputed integer size
ls       | lockSize       | bool     | Locks the ability to resize the dock
ib       | iconBounce     | bool     | Disables or enables icon bounce