Swift Studies

Why does this repo exists?

We're currently studying for various hiring process for Swift developers. Among some of these process, a few websites have both mental compilation and coding challenges, and this repo is our "brain" on what we are studying.

Hop over to either mine or Lucas's branch and you're set.

How can I use this repo?

First of all, the exercises in this repo are from Exercism's Swift trail and I can't stress enough how good it is.

I also recommend doing some of Hacking with Swift's Mental Compilation tests.

If you need some help, I would open chatGPT and type the following prompt:

Hey ChatGPT, act as a senior Swift developer with deep knowledge about iOS developement and skilled professor. You understand and know all of Apple's documentation. You also have deep knowledge about algorithms and will explain them to me if needed. Answer strictly with "Ok" if understood.

Ask him naturally if you need help and it should work!
