
The most popular swift repositories of github.

Primary LanguageSwift

Repositories Swift API

The most popular swift repositories of github

Getting Started

(check if it's on the master branch)

git clone [Project URL]
pod install


iOS 10.0 or later


  • Git/GitFlow: Feature Branch -> Develop -> Master

  • MVVM Architecture: Due to its great ease of maintenance and responsibility of the well-defined classes. What is essential to create unit tests.

  • CocoaPods:

    • PromiseKit - Used in network layer for simplify asynchronous programming
    • Quick/Nimble - Quick is a behavior-driven development framework for Swift, used in unit tests.
  • Tests with Quick/Nimble

  • Generic Network layer: Repository, Interactor, Model, Network and Endpoint

  • Fastlane:

    • Slather - Used for generate test coverage reports for Xcode projects & hook it into CI.
  • Others: Infinite scroll and Pull to refresh

Running the Fastlane tests(Slather)

In the Terminal app execute: bundle exec fastlane tests