
:scissors: An appointment schedule Node API for customers and providers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Go Barber - API


This project was developed over the Rocketseat bootcamp course and it's part of my portifolio. It's an application that helps customers schedule appointments with service providers


This API feed a mobile app, for customers, and an web app for providers. Both built with React.


  • Authentication with email and password
  • Upload avatar image

📱 For customers

  • List service providers and their avaiable schedules
  • Register/cancel an appointment with a service provider

💻 For providers

  • Show schedule
  • Email/Notifications of new appointments

Try it

I deployed this project on heroku, check it out: https://go-barber-api-caio.herokuapp.com

Getting started

⬇️ Installing

Cloning the repo

git clone https://github.com/CaioQuirinoMedeiros/go_barber_api.git

cd go_barber_api

Installing dependencies

npm install

🔧 Setting up

Set the environment variables in a .env file as exemplified in the .env.example

  • Tip: You can use MongoDB Atlas for a fast and easy MongoDB cluser setup

Create the postgres database (you can do it manually as well)

npx sequelize db:create

Run the migrations to create the needed tables

npx sequelize db:migrate

Note: run npx sequelize --help to see all sequelize can do

🏃 Running

Just start the server

npm run dev