
Learning FastAPI

Primary LanguagePython

API development with FastAPI

Status: ⚠️ Developing ⚠️

FastAPI repository:

About the API

It is a simple Data input that collects information about the students.

Directly learnt from the freecodecamp tutorial

Some fields in this API

  • id
  • name
  • year
  • age

I implemented other features such as

  • id deletion
  • id creation
  • id verification (Can't use the same id)

These features are in development

  • Class id
  • Subject name and id
  • Age verification

Technologies used in

Python CPython Uvicorn FastAPI Pydantic
3.10.* 3.10.* 0.17.6 0.78.0 1.9.1

How to run the API

  1. open the FastAPI directory
  2. run uvicorn myapi:app --reload inside the project directory.
  3. open the localhost ip
  4. feel free to test!
  5. remember to check all the required technologies!!!