
These contracts may contain bugs, please use them for learning purposes only. feel free to raise a PR to this repo. if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.

Number Name Notes Youtube Link
1. Hello World.
2. Calculator
3. Todo list
4. Voting
5. Ether Wallet
6. **Auction**
7. Bank
8. Crowdfunding ( fundmeonETH )
9. **Safe Remote Purchase**
10. ERC 20 Import
11. Simple ERC721 NFT
12. SoulBoundTokens
13. Access Control
14. Delegatecall
15. Multi-Sig Wallet ( Multiple signatures required to process the transaction )
16. Storage - IPFS
17. Deed - Deed Multi payout
18. Verifying Signature
19. Escrow
20. Split payment
21. Loan state machine
22. Minimal Proxy Contract
23. Self Destruct ( Not recommended as the best, teach the right way of fixing self-destruct)
24. TimeLock libraries Safemath library and interfaces
25. Flashloans - Aave and Uniswap
26. **Open Zeppelin Upgradeable Contracts**
27. ABIencode and ABIdecode
28. NFT Staking
29. [EIP-712] **Micropayment Channel Solidity Docs**
30. A Contract that Creates other Contracts ( Factory Pattern )