As supporting code for the study "MIST: Multiple Instance Learning Network Based on Swin Transformer for WSI Classification of Colorectal Adenomas".

Primary LanguagePython


As supporting code for the study "MIST: Multiple Instance Learning Network Based on Swin Transformer for WSI Classification of Colorectal Adenomas".

Install Python-related packages

  $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Download Swin Transformer's pre-trained model on ImageNet

  $ git clone https://github.com/SwinTransformer/storage/releases/download/v1.0.0/swin_tiny_patch4_window7_224.pth

Move the downloaded pre-trained model into the simclr_swin/pretrain_model folder.

If you would like to use APEX to speed up your training, go to "https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex" to download the related documents.

The file structure of the colorectal adenoma WSIs data is as follows

|-- WSI
|   |-- Ade
|   |   |-- CLASS_1
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_2
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_3
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_4
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_5
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_6
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.svs
|   |   |   |-- ...

Cut WSIs

  $ python crop_patches.py -m 0 1 -b 5

Once the above script has finished running, pyramid folder will appear.

|-- WSI
|   |-- Ade
|   |   |-- pyramid
|   |   |   |-- CLASS_1
|   |   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1
|   |   |   |   |   |-- PATCH_LOW_1
|   |   |   |   |   |   |-- PATCH_HIGH_1.jpeg
|   |   |   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |   |   |-- PATCH_LOW_1.jpeg
|   |   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |   |-- ...

Split the dataset by a ratio of 7:3

  $ python split_dataset.py

The validation set is divided into the WSI/Ade_val folder

Self-supervised contrastive learning

  $ cd simclr_swin

Train the low magnification embedder

  $ python run.py --multiscale=1 --level=low

Train the high magnification embedder

  $ python run.py --multiscale=1 --level=high

Once the self-supervised contrastive learning training is complete, two folders will appear under the./simclr_swin/runs folder for storing the model.We rename them swinhigh and swinlow.

Embedding phase

  cd ..
  $ python compute_feats.py --dataset Ade --num_classes 6 --backbone swintransformer --magnification tree --weights_high swinhigh --weights_low swinlow
  $ python compute_feats.py --dataset Ade_val --num_classes 6 --backbone swintransformer --magnification tree --weights_high swinhigh --weights_low swinlow

Once the above script has been run,Ade and Ade_val folder will appear inside datasets folder.

|-- datasets
|   |   |-- CLASS_1
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.csv
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_2
|   |   |   |-- SLIDE_1.csv
|   |   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- CLASS_1.csv
|   |   |-- CLASS_2.csv
|   |   |-- ...
|   |   |-- Ade.csv

An "embedder" folder will also appear to store the embedder.

|-- embedder
|   |   |-- swintransformer-m-embedder-high.pth
|   |   |-- swintransformer-m-embedder-low.pth

Train the multiple instance learning aggregator

  $ python train_ade.py

If you want to train a model with a weight sampler, run the following script

  $ python train_ade_weightedSampler.py

Once the above script has been run, a weights will appear to store the trained MIST model.

Test the model

Firstly, the embeddings of the validation set is obtained according to the above steps.Then run the following script.

  $ python test_model.py --dataset Ade_val --model_path ./weights/swin/1.pth

Once the above script is completed, the files related to the result will appear in the inference folder.

|-- inference
|   |-- test_cm.png
|   |-- test_PRcurve.png
|   |-- test_pred.csv
|   |-- test_ROC.png

Interpretability of the model

  $ cd cam
  $ python grad_cam_swin.py

Once the above code is run, the result will appear in the ./cam/img folder.