
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the Batmanhood ReadMe!

This is a full-stack web application built using React + Redux (front-end) & SQLAlchemy + Flask + PostgreSQL (back-end)

This project is currently hosted on Heroku!

Much like it's side-kick, Batmanhood is a stocks analysis and management website that allows consumers easy access to stocks purchases without the need for a third-party broker. No commissions, no hassles, and no actual stocks or money - Batmanhood, your comprehensive resource for pretending to be a major player in the stock market!


Home Page:

Login Page:

See more wireframes in the wiki!

MVP List

New account creation, login, logout and demo login (9/29/20, 1 day)

  • Users can create a new account with the ability to sign up, sign in, and/or sign out on each page.
  • There is an available 'log in as demo user' feature to explore the site functionality

Dashboard & Portfolio (9/30/20, 2 days)

  • Users can see the stocks contained in their own portfolio on their homepage once logged in.

Asset/Stock Detail (10/2/20, 2 days)

  • Each stock will show the price history over time and current price.

Watchlist (10/3/20, 1 day)

  • Users can add and delete stocks from a watchlist which will display the current prices for all stocks contained in that list.

Asset/Stock Search (10/4/20, 1 day)

  • Users can search for a stock by name or ticker.

Database Schema

API Endpoints


  • GET api/users
    • returns all users
  • Get api/users/:userId
    • returns user based on wildcard ID
  • Post api/users
    • Sign-up for an account


  • GET api/stocks
    • returns all reviews
  • POST api/stocks
    • creates a review
  • PUT api/stocks/:stockId
    • edits a review based on wildcard stockID
  • DELETE api/stocks/:stockId
    • deletes a review based on wildcard stockID


  • GET api/watchlist/:userID
    • returns a watchlist based on wildcard userId


  • GET api/trades
    • returns all trades
  • GET api/trades/:tradeId
    • returns a trade based on wildcard tradeId

Sample State


auth: {
    id: 1,
    email: "guest@guest.com",
    balance: "86984.21",
    firstName: "Bob",
    lastName: "Smith"
    watchListId: 1

stock: {

      owned: [
        {AAPL: 5.2},
        {AMZN: 1.0}

      watchlist: {
          tickers: [

      news: [
           category: "business",
           datetime: 1603311271,
           headline: "Boston Dynamics' dog-like robot can recharge on its own and gains popularity in Covid era",
           id: 5481385
           image: "https://image.cnbcfm.com/...",
           summary: 'One of the world's most ...


Frontend Routes

The components will be organized as such:

  • Root
    • BrowserRouter
      • Provider
        • App
          • NavBar
          • Main
          • Footer

The following routes will render in our App between NavBar and Footer:

  • /
    • Homepage
  • /login
    • Login Form
  • /signup
    • Signup Form
  • /:stockId
    • Individual stock price history page