
Project of photo gallery using picsum API.

Primary LanguageVue

Picsum photo-gallery

You can check the live version deployed on Netlify (https://vsimagegallery.netlify.app/)


  • The requests of the paginations options are Debounced to reduce requests to the API.
  • This project uses Vue i18n to switch among languages.
  • Clicking the download button shows the corresponding image in an other another browser's tab, using the url field.
  • Users can
    • Set the number of images per page (Page size)
    • Navigate to next and revious pages
    • Go to an specific page. If the page doesn't have images the system remains in the current page.
    • Switch the appereance of an image among: Blur, Grayscale & Normal state.
    • Filter by Author's name
    • Switching language of the system (English/Spanish)
  • When click on an image shows a modal panel using an iFrame to show the unsplash site of the image selected. ()
    • But the unsplash site has X-Frame-Options seted to Sameorigin and doesn't work if you don't have an iFrame allow plugin installed on your browser
    • I recommend using the iFrame Allow plugin on Chrome

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.