
A command-line murder mystery


The Command Line Murders

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Note: This is NOT a simple point & click affair; you will need to check hint files and use specific command line words to successfully navigate this mystery. Don't worry if it doesn't make complete sense in the beginning, it's a mystery! Feel free to search the Internet for help or reach out to your fellow developers!

There's been a murder in Terminal City, and TCPD needs your help.

To figure out whodunit, you need access to a command line.

Once you're ready, clone this repo.

Open a Terminal, go to the location of the files, and start by reading the file 'instructions'.

One way you can do this is with the command:

cat instructions

(cat is a command that will priant the contents of the file called instructions for you to read.)

To get started on how to use the command line, open cheatsheet.md or cheatsheet.pdf (from the command line, you can type 'nano cheatsheet.md').

Don't use a text editor to view any files except these instructions, the cheatsheet, and hints.


By Noah Veltman
Projects: noahveltman.com
GitHub: veltman
Twitter: @veltman