🔥 DApp Building Template with TypeScript 🧰

🛠️ An Ethereum template to help you get building ASAP with all the necessary tools you'll actually use!

⛓️ This template allows you to build Full-Stack Blockchain Applications.

💥 All the sections below utilize the power of TypeScript.

Technologies Used

🎨 Front-end: Next.js (React), Tailwind CSS, Ethers.js, MetaMask, IPFS, Pinata

👷‍♂️ Smart Contracts: Hardhat, Ethers.js, TypeChain, OpenZeppelin, Mocha, Chai, Waffle

🗃️ Back-end: Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Ethers.js

How to Use

To use this template, all you have to do is select "Use this template" from within the main GitHub repository of this project. This will allow you to create a brand new repo using this template as a starting base.
