
A simple script to add application command support to discord.py v2.0

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

slash_util is a simple wrapper around slash commands for discord.py

This is written by an official discord.py helper to try and stop people using third party forks or otherwise. If any help is required, please ping Maya#9000 in one of the help channels. To any other helpers reading this, this script is exempt from rule 14.

Table of contents


BEFORE ANYTHING You must install discord.py 2.0 from GitHub:

pip install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py

This script will NOT work without it. See this message for more information on discord.py 2.0

  1. Go to the slash_util.py file

  2. Click the following button img

  3. Copy the entire text and paste it into your own file, then proceed to import it into files you need.

Defining parameters

A few different parameter types can be specified in accordance with the discord api.

These parameters may only be used inside slash commands, not within context menu commands.

  • str for strings
  • int or Range[min, max] for ints (see Ranges for more information)
  • float or Range[min, max] for floats (see Ranges for more information)
  • bool for booleans
  • discord.User or discord.Member for members
  • discord.Role for roles

For defining channel parameters, they are documented in Channels


Ranges are a way to specify minimum and maximum values for ints and floats. They can be defined inside a type hint, for example:

async def my_command(self, ctx, number: slash_util.Range[0, 10]):
  # `number` will only be an int within this range
  await ctx.send(f"Your number was {number}!", ephemeral=True)

If you specify a float in either parameter, the value will be a float.


Channels can be defined using discord.TextChannel, VoiceChannel or CategoryChannel. You can specify multiple channel types via typing.Union:

async def my_command(self, ctx, channel: typing.Union[discord.TextChannel, discord.VoiceChannel]):
  await ctx.send(f'{channel.mention} is not a category!', ephemeral=True)


slash_util defines a bot subclass to automatically handle posting updated commands to discords api. This isn't required but highly recommended to use.

class MyBot(slash_util.Bot):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(command_prefix="!")  # command prefix only applies to message based commands

        self.load_extension("cogs.my_cog")  # important!
if __name__ == '__main__':

Sample cog:

class MyCog(slash_util.ApplicationCog):
    @slash_util.slash_command()  # sample slash command
    async def slash(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, number: int):
        await ctx.send(f"You selected #{number}!", ephemeral=True)
    @slash_util.message_command(name="Quote")  # sample command for message context menus
    async def quote(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, message: discord.Message):  # these commands may only have a single Message parameter
        await ctx.send(f'> {message.clean_content}\n- {message.author}')
    @slash_util.user_command(name='Bonk')  # sample command for user context menus
    async def bonk(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, user: discord.Member):  # these commands may only have a single Member parameter
        await ctx.send(f'{ctx.author} BONKS {user} :hammer:')

def setup(bot):

See the api documentation below for more information on attributes, functions and more.

API Documentation

deco @slash_command(**kwargs)

Defines a function as a slash-type application command.


  • name: str
    • The display name of the command. If unspecified, will use the functions name.
  • guild_id: Optional[int]
    • The guild ID this command will belong to. If unspecified, the command will be uploaded globally.
  • description: str
    • The description of the command. If unspecified, will use the functions docstring, or "No description provided" otherwise.
deco @message_command(**kwargs)

Defines a function as a message-type application command.


  • name: str
    • The display name of the command. If unspecified, will use the functions name.
  • guild_id: Optional[int]
    • The guild ID this command will belong to. If unspecified, the command will be uploaded globally.
deco @user_command(**kwargs)

Defines a function as a user-type application command.


  • name: str
    • The display name of the command. If unspecified, will use the functions name.
  • guild_id: Optional[int]
    • The guild ID this command will belong to. If unspecified, the command will be uploaded globally.
deco @describe(**kwargs: str)

Sets the description for the specified parameters of the slash command. Sample usage:

@describe(channel="The channel to ping")
async def mention(self, ctx: slash_util.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
    await ctx.send(f'{channel.mention}')

If this decorator is not used, parameter descriptions will be set to "No description provided." instead.

class Range(min: NumT | None, max: NumT)

Defines a minimum and maximum value for float or int values. The minimum value is optional.

async def number(self, ctx, num: slash_util.Range[0, 10], other_num: slash_util.Range[10]):
class Bot(command_prefix, help_command=<default-help-command>, description=None, **options)



get_application_command(self, name: str)

Gets and returns an application command by the given name.


  • name: str
    • The name of the command.


  • Command
    • The relevant command object
  • None
    • No command by that name was found.

async delete_all_commands(self, guild_id: int | None = None)

Deletes all commands on the specified guild, or all global commands if no guild id was given.


  • guild_id: Optional[str]
    • The guild ID to delete from, or None to delete global commands.

async delete_command(self, id: int, guild_id: int | None = None)

Deletes a command with the specified ID. The ID is a snowflake, not the name of the command.


  • id: int
    • The ID of the command to delete.
  • guild_id: Optional[str]
    • The guild ID to delete from, or None to delete a global command.

async sync_commands(self)

Uploads all commands from cogs found and syncs them with discord. Global commands will take up to an hour to update. Guild specific commands will update immediately.

class Context(bot: BotT, command: Command[CogT], interaction: discord.Interaction)

The command interaction context.



async send(self, content=..., **kwargs)

Responds to the given interaction. If you have responded already, this will use the follow-up webhook instead. Parameters embed and embeds cannot be specified together. Parameters file and files cannot be specified together.


  • content: str
    • The content of the message to respond with
  • embed: discord.Embed
    • An embed to send with the message. Incompatible with embeds.
  • embeds: List[discord.Embed]
    • A list of embeds to send with the message. Incompatible with embed.
  • file: discord.File
    • A file to send with the message. Incompatible with files.
  • files: List[discord.File]
    • A list of files to send with the message. Incompatible with file.
  • ephemeral: bool
    • Whether the message should be ephemeral (only visible to the interaction user).


property cog(self)

The cog this command belongs to.

property guild(self)

The guild this interaction was executed in.

property message(self)

The message that executed this interaction.

property channel(self)

The channel the interaction was executed in.

property author(self)

The user that executed this interaction.

class ApplicationCog(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

The cog that must be used for application commands.
