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NFT Marketplace V3

Create an NFT marketplace on top of your NFT collection on any EVM-compatible blockchain.


  • View all NFTs from your collection and their status on the marketplace on the buy page.

  • Select which NFT from your wallet to sell for either a direct listing or english auction on the marketplace on the sell page.

  • View all NFTs a user owns from your collection on the profile pages.

  • Buy NFTs directly from the marketplace on the item pages.

  • Place bids/offers on NFTs from the marketplace on the item pages.

Using this template

  1. Deploy a Marketplace V3 contract
  2. Fork this repo
  3. Run yarn
  4. Plug your contract addresses, chain, highlight collection, and slideshow collections in the contractAddresses.ts file.

Deploy the Marketplace V3 contract

Head to the MarketplaceV3 contract page on the thirdweb dashboard.

Deploy the marketplace to the same network as your NFT collection.

Fork this repository

Note: This requires Node.js and npm and Git. Yarn is also recommended.

Add your contract addresses

In the contractAddresses.ts file, add your contract addresses and chain.

If you haven't already, import your smart contracts into the thirdweb dashboard.

import { Sepolia } from "@thirdweb-dev/chains";
export const NETWORK = Sepolia;

// 2. The address of the marketplace V3 smart contract.
// Deploy your own: https://thirdweb.com/thirdweb.eth/MarketplaceV3
export const MARKETPLACE_ADDRESS = "0x3ccA021Ddf4a2a9c99e41Cd428Bdc44F0CebaBA6";

// // 3. The address of your Highlighted NFT collection smart contract.
export const NFT_COLLECTION_HIGHLIGHT = "0x3DFA5D25497427cB115364bd38618231378D0423";

// 4. Set up the URL of where users can view transactions on
// For example, below, we use Sepolia.etherscan to view transactions on the Sepolia testnet.
export const ETHERSCAN_URL = "https://sepolia.etherscan.io/";

// 5. Alchemy Network URL for NFT Endpoint
export const ALCH_NET = "eth-sepolia"

// 6. Your Branding
export const FOOTER_LOGO = "/zerobeings_logo_m_sepolia.png"
export const NAV_LOGO = "/zerobeings_logo_sepolia.png"
export const PROFILE_LOGO = "/user-icon.png"

// 7. Editos' choice slide show. Set the URL and the image.
// If an image link is provided, you will need to update the next.config.js with the domain. An example is provided in the next.config.js file.
export const SLIDE_1 = "0x60a8077140f4ef1d8695dfbe6869cb1ec91d1a47"
export const SLIDE_1_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeibymtvvmsx4u5ygk5so7tumscioylkpanrthzdwhgbcqxqxsmghoa/myAuctionsToClose.png"

export const SLIDE_2 = "0x3DFA5D25497427cB115364bd38618231378D0423"
export const SLIDE_2_IMG = "/slideshow/joffee.png"

export const SLIDE_3 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_3_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_4 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_4_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_5 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_5_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_6 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_6_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_7 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_7_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_8 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_8_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"

export const SLIDE_9 = "0xa0657f6290ad301ab45b703b438560d97fc2926a"
export const SLIDE_9_IMG = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeighw4kzeqbtupjouql3rev7vlc2tit6bt55ubxvbl3235dqzdh53u/1.png"