
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Grades Object
  2. FW/BW Words
  3. Monthly Temperatures
  4. Letters to Words


  1. Insert if Largest
  2. Insert if Smallest
  3. Person Class


  1. Add and Remove from Front and Back of Queue
  2. Check for Palindrome
  3. Priority Queue, higher value = more priority
  4. Menu system for Priority Queue


  1. Phonebook from newline delimited string
  2. Count occurences of words
  3. Sorted Order Display


  1. Convert Infix to Postfix and evaluate the equation
  2. Pez Emulator, Remove select color while retaining order


  1. Implement a Doubly Linked list with the advance(n) function
  2. Implement back(n) function
  3. Implement show() function
  4. Implement a Singly Linked List
  5. Implement a Circly Linked List and remove every nth node, display remaining nodes


  1. Add function to count nodes
  2. Add function to count edges
  3. Add function to find max value
  4. Add function to find min value


  1. Compare the run times of Bubble, Insertion, and Selection sort with strings and integers
  2. Compare the run times of the 3 sorts with 1,000 sorted integers
  3. Compare the run times of the 3 sorts with 1,000 reverse sorted integers
  4. Compare the run times of Quicksort and Array.sort() with 10,000 integers