
Obfuscated with symbols naming

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Provide specific APK, DEX, or file hash

Describe the bug
Failing to deobfuscate. maybe because of weird symbols that the program can't read? the porgram read them as questionmarks


If you decompile with apktool. you see folders with weird names

To Reproduce
java -jar simplify-1.2.1.jar "soruce.apk" -ie -o "out.apk" --max-address-visits 10000 --max-call-depth 10000 --max-method-visits 10000

Attempted work-arounds
I'm not familar with regex so can't use -it
I used --max-address-visits, --max-call-depth, and --max-method-visits
And -v

No applicable.

Additional context

Thanks for using the template!

I suspect the question marks are a problem with the console you're using. Is it Windows?

You don't have to know regex. You really just need to know method signatures. What methods or classes do you care about?

The question marks seem to be an artifact of your environment, probably Windows. I can't reproduce.

I need to make the documentation more clear that simplify isn't a point-and-click solve-all-your-problems tool. It's made for reverse engineers and malware analysts that know what they're doing and need to deobfuscate code. It's not really for people who just want to rename classes so it's easier to steal code from a commercial app.

Feel free to reopen if you think this is malware or if you have a specific class or method you want to deobfuscate but it's failing.