- 0
#169 opened by PhantomThreads - 0
#168 opened by ramyagarapati - 0
dex Bad checksum
#167 opened by S4muii - 3
Improve Dead Code Removal Method
#159 opened by apkunpacker - 5
- 0
Support multiple DEX files
#165 opened by reteps - 3
- 0
Dex Writing Error : New Issue related to #150
#163 opened by apkunpacker - 3
[Bug] [SmaliVM] visitClassAnnotations() fail on parsing obfuscated member class names
#161 opened by fipso - 3
- 0
Emulate Charset encoding and decoding
#157 opened by CalebFenton - 6
Can't deobfuscate large method
#154 opened - 5
- 3
How to use SmaliVM?
#152 opened by siair - 3
- 5
Dex Writing Error after Simplification
#150 opened by apkunpacker - 5
The Smali file
#149 opened by JDaltonLins - 1
- 1
Unable to deobfuscate the sample app
#146 opened by geunhayou66 - 5
- 5
Chinese string decryption scramble code
#124 opened by lozn00 - 12
Got an error when i executed a command according to documentation on windows 10
#143 opened by curiousfellas - 0
[SDBG] java.lang.StackOverflowError
#142 opened by apkunpacker - 0
Simplification Fail On "MT-Protector"
#141 opened by apkunpacker - 4
Simplification Fail On 'Anti Java Decompiler'
#139 opened by apkunpacker - 1
Simplify Fail to start Execution For Specific Apk
#140 opened by apkunpacker - 2
How can I deobfuscation a jar file?
#138 opened by xpy051 - 9
Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again
#137 opened by dev7machine - 8
Using Smali Debugger on single smali file
#136 opened by cryptax - 2
Obfuscated with symbols naming
#135 opened - 0
- 5
no failed,no error and no optimizations
#133 opened by njsunsky - 1
How do I handle exceptions ? Real exception was thrown executing ExecutionNode
#119 opened by unoexperto - 0
Null input parameter for AESDecryptor
#120 opened by CalebFenton - 2
Can't find Smali file for Lkotlin/e/b/j
#129 opened by krviolent - 2
Always end up with errors
#132 opened by jtyjd - 4
Why not add a Souce file renamer
#121 opened - 2
an error when run demo
#127 opened by xxhong - 1
project does not support java 11
#126 opened by da7om85 - 5
Gradle build fail
#130 opened by Lemniscate317 - 7
Unable to deobfuscate using simplify
#131 opened by AzrhadiBW - 3
error in demo
#128 opened by krviolent - 4
- 1
Simplify +Java-Deobfuscator
#123 opened by apkunpacker - 3
Speedup simplify
#122 opened by apkunpacker - 1
need a option to specify external jar
#118 opened by apkunpacker - 1
Provide a precompiled simplify jar
#117 opened by apkunpacker - 3
Loading android.jar classes in smalivm
#116 opened by guizos - 2
- 7