
IMCO's idea to find the nearest gathering center to better help those in need and for better resources distribution.

Primary LanguageElixir

IMCO Centros de acopio

IMCO's idea to find the nearest gathering center to better help those in need and for better resources distribution.


Taking in account the last year earthquake, and the more recent ones, with the aim to help thos whom need it, this projects propose a interactive map to solve the problems with the lack of efficience in the distribuitoin of the collected resources.

This is an intercative map where the refuges can find the nearest recolecting spot to them.


You can find the demo clinking here. The demo is hosted in Gigalixir.


  • Backend: Powered by elixir with Phoenix.
  • Frontend: Made with React.
  • Uses also Google Maps API.

Though for the quick development it also uses phoenix templates combined with some JQuery.

Run instructions

You need to have installed elixir here the instrucions, and npm too.

To start your Phoenix server:

#Clone this repo to your local
git clone https://github.com/CalebRizo/imco-centros-de-acopio.git

# Change to imco-centros-de-acopio directory
cd imco-centros-de-acopio

# Install dependencies with

# Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup

# Then you need to prepare React App
# Change to assets directory
cd asstes

# Install dependencies (you could use yarn if prefered)
npm install

# Change again to roots project directory
cd ..

# and Start Phoenix server with
mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Crafted with ❤ in Mexico.