
Broken Dockerfile

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Thanks for this amazing tool ! Just wanted to let you know that the Dockerfile does not build on master.
I think there are two issues:

  • html directory has been renamed to frontend in 38bf4fe so the Dockerfile should be updated accordingly (line 19):
- COPY html/dist/ /opt/app/html/dist/
+ COPY frontend/dist/ /opt/app/frontend/dist/
  • Dependency instruments is sourced from Git but the base image doesn't have Git, so something like RUN apk add git is needed in the Dockerfile (although my understanding is that this one is temporary?)

It works on my workstation with this two fixes.

Please let me know if I can help (by doing the PR maybe?)!

Thank you 😄

No worries! I did the PR, please tell me if there is anything wrong, and thank you for your time! :)