- 0
pip install radvel fails with python 3.12
#389 opened by murphyjm - 0
Incorrect Labels on MCMC Corner Plots
#388 opened by Malik820 - 2
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_uninitialized_submodules'
#387 opened by SilencePhyxion - 0
Support for numpy=1.24.4 and scipy==1.11.4
#386 opened by andreok - 1
- 6
K2-24 tutorial hitting an error
#316 opened by tronsgaard - 2
Could not build wheels for radvel
#381 opened by carlaost - 4
RVLikelihood() parameter key error
#333 opened by neilzim - 0
radvel CustomModel-tutorial
#384 opened by sdcorle1 - 6
RadVel pip Install Failure due to Inability to Build Wheel (Seemingly Unrelated to cython)
#378 opened by literalcarys - 2
nbsphinx import causes radvel to fail to import
#376 opened by semaphoreP - 1
Paper links are broken
#361 opened by JohannesBuchner - 2
radvel mcmc not working with numpy>=1.22
#364 opened by skyientist - 0
ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility
#368 opened by vditomasso - 1
mcmc error - Probability function returned NaN
#369 opened by aberrico - 1
Multipage for orbital parameters table
#373 opened by zhexingli - 2
- 1
error obtained while running MAP fit
#379 opened by Hiyabiswas - 5
Unable to Perform MCMC Sample from
#374 opened by ngierty - 4
- 1
- 0
MultiPanelPlot - Missing phase nrows & ncols
#367 opened by jmbrewer - 4
Runtime error in radvel.mcmc
#327 opened by TheoMPhysics - 0
- 2
`phase_ncols` and `phase_nrows` are not set as attribute when passed as arguments
#357 opened by vandalt - 3
Possible problem with `pscale` adjustment in `mcmc()`
#356 opened by vandalt - 3
Minor bug in rv multipanel plot
#350 opened by zhexingli - 1
Support more celerite kernels ?
#353 opened by vandalt - 0
Mpsini calculation warning no longer printed?
#352 opened by zhexingli - 1
DeprecationWarning: ``
#351 opened by astrokang - 6
API for derived planetary parameters
#301 opened by shbhuk - 5
Using a list in EccentricityPrior raises TypeError
#347 opened by vandalt - 2
import fails without h5py
#345 opened by mileslucas - 11
Plotting derived parameters error
#342 opened by zhexingli - 9
- 1
- 4
Emcee ensemble error with MCMC
#329 opened by jkteske - 1
gamma and jitter with vary=False, linear=True
#339 opened by tronsgaard - 3
compilation problem with radvel
#334 opened by svaverbe - 2
minAfactor documentation
#332 opened by zhexingli - 1
- 2
posterior object cannot access residuals anymore!
#330 opened by sealauren - 6
Model comparison not saving results?
#326 opened by zhexingli - 1
Plotting error when planet not found
#323 opened by arpita308 - 4
Draw models from chain
#324 opened by paulmrobertson - 1
nophase keyword removed from MultipanelPlot class
#325 opened by sealauren - 2
Gaussian Process Fitting - different Ks on plots?
#320 opened by andreeaih - 9
Negative Tc value clarification
#304 opened by zhexingli - 5
Unable to sample 2-planet GP model with MCMC
#303 opened by hposborn - 2
chains file is not actually tarred
#298 opened by jkteske