
Docker webserver configuration: Nginx (with SSL) + PHP-FPM + MySQL + PhpMyAdmin + CRON.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker webserver configuration: Nginx, php-fpm, mysql, phpmyadmin, cron, letsencrypt.

This is a docker-compose configuration intended for running a web server.


  • Nginx 1.17.x.
  • Fully automatically free letsencrypt SSL certificate issuing using docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion.
  • PHP 7.4.x with: imagick, gd, procps, composer, git. Optionally: xdebug, ffmpeg 4.2.2, nodejs.
  • MariaDB 10.5.x.
  • PhpMyAdmin 5.0.x.
  • CRON.

Files structure:

  • /.docker_build_configs - directories with Dockerfiles and configurations of the containers.
  • /logs - various log files.
  • /www - app directory, mounts to /var/www.
  • /www/public - webserver root, mounts to /var/www/public. So, php working directory is /var/www, but webserver root is /var/www/public

Extra configuration:

You can additionally configure the server by edit the files stored inside /.docker_build_configs. Such as nginx configuration, php.ini, xdebug.ini, mysql.cnf, phpmyadmin config, etc.


  1. git clone https://github.com/CaliforniaMountainSnake/docker-webserver && cd docker-webserver && git config core.fileMode false && chmod 0444 .docker_build_configs/mysql/mysql.cnf
  2. Rename /.env.example to /.env and configure passwords and other settings.
  3. Put SSL-certificate files into the /ssl_files directory and configure their names in the /.env file. Current nginx configuration requires to set ssl configuration. You can use self-signed certificate.
  4. If you need to, configure containers' additional config files in the /.docker_build_configs.
  5. Put your app files into the /www directory and public accessible files into the /www/public directory.
  6. Run containers using make start.
  7. Stop containers using make stop.