
This is the laravel api auth system intended for the longman/telegram-bot, based on the https://github.com/CaliforniaMountainSnake/simple-laravel-auth-system.

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This is the laravel api auth system intended for the longman/telegram-bot library. Important! This library uses the californiamountainsnake/simple-laravel-auth-system library, you must install and config one first.


Require this package with Composer

Install this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require californiamountainsnake/longmantelegrambot-laravel-api-auth-system:

    "name": "yourproject/yourproject",
    "type": "project",
    "require": {
        "php": "^7.2",
        "californiamountainsnake/longmantelegrambot-laravel-api-auth-system": "*"

and run composer update


run this command in your command line:

composer require californiamountainsnake/longmantelegrambot-laravel-api-auth-system


  1. Extend the abstract classes AuthTelegrambotUserEntity and AuthTelegrambotUserRepository.
  2. Include the AuthBotAccessUtils, AuthApiUtils and AuthUserUtils traits into your base Command class and realise the abstract methods. Set the correct return type hints in the phpdoc for the methods getUserEntity(), getUserRole() and getUserAccountType().
class BaseCommand extends Command {
    use AuthBotAccessUtils;
    use AuthApiUtils;
    use AuthUserUtils;
     * Get user's entity. Just specify return type hint.
     * @return UserEntity|null
    protected function getUserEntity(): ?AuthUserEntity
        return $this->userUtilsGetUserEntity();

     * Get user's role. Just specify return type hint.
     * @return UserRoleEnum
    protected function getUserRole(): AuthUserRoleEnum
        return $this->userUtilsGetUserRole();

     * Get user's account type. Just specify return type hint.
     * @return UserAccountTypeEnum
    protected function getUserAccountType(): AuthUserAccountTypeEnum
        return $this->userUtilsGetUserAccountType();
  1. Call $this->initTelegramParams(), $this->reInitUserParams() and then $this->assertUserHasAccessToMainRoute() in the preExecute() method and handle the exceptions:
class BaseCommand extends Command {
    use AuthBotAccessUtils;
    use AuthApiUtils;
    use AuthUserUtils;
    public function preExecute(): ServerResponse

        try {
            // If user try to execute a wrong command, the exception will throw.
            return parent::preExecute();
        } catch (ApiProxyException $e) {
            // handle the error!
        } catch (UserRoleNotEqualsException $e) {
            // handle the error!
        } catch (UserAccountTypeNotEqualsException $e) {
            // handle the error!
        } catch (\Throwable $t) {
            // A good idea is to handle other exceptions.
  1. Use AuthApiUtils's methods to execute queries to your laravel api:
class MyCommand extends BaseCommand {
    public function execute (): ServerResponse {
        $json = $this->callApiNotAuth($this->getMainRoute(), [
            'email' => 'new@email.com',
  1. If you want, you can realise the ApiProxyInterface and process api queries as you prefer.